Publishing Your First Python Package to PyPI

Publishing Your First Python Package to PyPI

This tutorial guides you through publishing a Python package to the Python Package Index (PyPI) using uv. You’ll learn the essential steps of building and uploading a package that others can install with pip or uv.

Since this is your first package, we’ll start by uploading to TestPyPI, a “separate instance of the Python Package Index that allows you to try distribution tools and processes without affecting the real index.”


Setting Up Your Project

Create a new project with a name that is not currently taken on Test PyPI. You might try something like your name followed by a random number, e.g. timhopper2456543.

$ uv init <PACKAGE_NAME>

Building Distributions

Build your package distributions:

$ uv build

This creates two files in the dist/ directory:

Creating a PyPI API Token

  1. Log into PyPI
  2. Go to Account SettingsAPI tokens
  3. Create a token with “Entire Account” scope
  4. Save the token securely - you won’t see it again

Publishing to TestPyPI

Use your saved token to publish:

$ uv publish --token pypi-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx --publish-url

Verifying Installation

Test that your package installs correctly:

$ uv run --with <PACKAGE_NAME> --no-project -- python -c "import <PACKAGE_NAME>"

Publish to PyPI

When you’re ready to publish to PyPI, you will remove the --publish_url from the publish command and use a token created at

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