
hatch is a modern Python project and package management tool designed to simplify development workflows through automation and standardization. It combines virtual environment management, dependency handling, project scaffolding, and publishing capabilities in a unified interface that follows Python packaging standards.

Core Functionality

  • Project Creation: Scaffolds new Python projects with standardized structure
  • Environment Management: Creates and controls isolated virtual environments
  • Build Backend: Provides a compliant PEP 517 build backend (hatchling)
  • Version Management: Handles version bumping and release tracking
  • Script Execution: Runs commands in project environments

Command Examples

# Create a new project
hatch new my-project

# Run a command in project environment
hatch run pytest

# Build distribution packages
hatch build

# Publish to PyPI
hatch publish

# Create a specific environment
hatch env create docs


  • Standardized: Full support for modern Python packaging standards
  • Comprehensive: Handles the complete project lifecycle
  • Flexible: Multiple environment types for different workflows
  • Extensible: Plugin system for custom functionality
  • Minimal Lock-in: Standards-based approach allows easy migration


  • Learning Curve: More complex than single-purpose tools
  • No First-Party Lockfile: Lacks built-in lockfile generation

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